Military And Space Exploration
Since the beginning of human history, man has be driven by voyages of exploration and defending himself against predators and other humans. In fact, because of language and spear making, societies were able to better form rather than be controlled by an over bearing and violent individual. The tribe could communicate and organize the take down of a distractor with their spears. Allowing the community to thrive.
If you look at many products, they were bi products of some other intent which lead to its invention or discovery. Military and space exploration has rendered hundreds of products that made its way into consumer applications.
World War 2 would have to be the biggest example of that. Radar technology, cell phones, microwave oven, and jet engines to name a few made their way into consumers presence.
In 1962, John F Kennedy laid out a plan for America to get to the moon. This set off in motion a wave of new products. The semi conductor industry popped up over night, in order to supply NASA, giving way to the birth of Silicon Valley. The seemingly common denominator is new technology is like throwing a stone into a pond and creating a ripple. As new tech is birthed, it gives rise to new industries, which in turn, finds new utilization of the technology to birth new areas of growth, methods of production, etc.
The need comes before the vision, the effort spawns off more innovation which creates more demand for different products that were otherwise unknown due to….To illustrate my point, imagine this large warehouse full of cash. Imagine it is in the middle of a city full of scientists, inventors, you know smart people. A man comes by and unlocks that warehouse only on one condition, that they build him a grand telescope. The money would open up the funds to start working. Through the process of building this telescope, new discoveries would be made out of research and development. Activity is permeating within the group, leading to productive conversations, ideas, and applications. This is what happens when a government funds military and space exploration. A whole economy is created.
In addition to productivity, you have inspiration that is derived. Seeing a rocket take off to orbit the Earth is very motivating to the human spirit and a connection to humanity.